Posts tagged ‘Halloween’


Trick or Treat

Abby spent a good portion of her weekend parading around as a cat. She loved having her face painted and I loved running into the other kiddos around town.

mommy & cat

cheeto-loving lamb

spiderman and fairy chatting

cat friends

Rocky and the cat

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Halloween Fun

I’m not shy about admitting that Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday, in fact it’s probably the last on my list, but we had a pretty good time yesterday. The Village Church is great in that they encourage community relationships. The church provided a bounce house and candy for us at the home of our small group leader so that we could host a free block party for the neighborhood. It really was wonderful to just relax and get to know people instead of rushing around. By the way- Abby is convinced that Halloween is a birthday party for “Pumpkin” and the candy is obviously in lieu of a birthday cake.

It isn’t too shocking that this was Abby’s first time to go trick-or-treating, but many of our friends were surprised to hear that it was also Matt’s first candy quest. Matt didn’t celebrate the holiday growing up so I volunteered him to walk Abby and our friend Kurt’s son Josias (dressed as an adorable duck) up each walkway and lead the cry for candy. Kurt and I had a great time pretending to take pictures of Matt’s first Halloween! It did feel a little strange that only 2 of the 6 of us had ever gone trick-or-treating before… Kurt’s wife Lore has never been either but that’s because she’s from Argentina.

She is a cute cowgirl:

Even if she does look like she’s hatching some sneaky plan:

This is what she looks like when you tell her it’s still not time for the party (note the Scarlet Macaw cereal in hand):

Happy to learn that there is more candy present than she knew existed:

Have you ever seen a horse sit? Well this is what it looks like… much easier to eat the sucker while not walking around.


Arts and Crafts

Abby and I just finished carving the “perfect punkin”. I haven’t scooped out or carved a pumpkin in about 20 years. In fact, the last time I remember doing it was with Dean in the garage a long, long time ago. So, is it any wonder that I feel a sense of accomplishment?

Is the pumpkin truly perfect? Nope. Did it take me trying out 4 different knives before I figured out how to carve it? Yep. Could Matt, the artist of the family, have made a much better face? Definitely. But I’ve got to tell you- when I put the candle in the pumpkin and Abby began singing “Happy Birthday to Punkin”- I’ve never felt prouder.


No Squeaking Allowed

I brought home a mouse costume for Abby. It was the wrong size… apparently 2T-3T does not apply to my kid… so I took her with me to the store to exchange it. I see now that was my mistake.

Once in the store, Abby spotted a different costume and proceeded to inform me that she did not want to be a mouse, she wanted to be a horse. I finally gave in when she started saying very seriously and very loudly, “I do not want to squeak. I want to neigh!”

Alright then, Abby’s going to be wearing a horse costume on Friday… and any other time she can convince me to help her put it on!

She seems to be a pretty good rider for someone who has never been on a horse before 🙂