Posts tagged ‘American Idol’


American Idol- The Final Two

Hooray! We made it to the finals!!! I mean, Kris and Adam made it 🙂

I don’t know what has happened to Paula’s hair, but I really like that color of green on her… even with the spray tan.

They’re already planning on running long tonight. It’s nice that they finally admit there is no way they’ll finish within 60 minutes… and it doesn’t bother me a bit because I’m recording the new show (Glee) afterwards!

Adam Lambert- “Mad World”- ahh, the song that was cut off the last time Idol ran long. Nice of him to do it again live for those of us who had to watch it on youtube. Hmm… there’s a lot of smoke machine action happening. And with the long black jacket he reminds me a little bit of the ghost of Christmas Future. The song sounds good. It’s soft and nice, but it wasn’t my favorite performance ever. I’m betting he gets a little louder, a little crazier, and a little better with each of the 3 songs tonight.

Kris Allen- “Ain’t No Sunshine”- I love this song. I love when Kris plays piano. I really hope he does 1 song with piano, 1 with guitar, and 1 just singing tonight… that would show his versatility. I truly believe his instrumental ability is his upper hand over Adam. I like the t-shirt/vest combo, he looks natural up there. The song sounds good, the tempo is right, it’s just nice. Sweet and simple.

*** I think it’s interesting that these boys are the top 2 this year. Two completely different guys with unbelievably different personalities and performance styles. Adam is artistic and over the top and dramatic and Kris is calm and gentle and musical.

Round 1- repeat performance- winner: Kris Allen.

Adam Lambert- “Change Is Gonna Come”- ooh, great song choice for him. I love the way he delivered the first line. I love the suit. Truthfully, I adore the suit. I don’t think there could be a better suit/hair combo for Adam. It’s the cutest I’ve seen him look. Did I say cutest? I meant most beautiful. Sexiest. Attractive. Hott. (Yes, I intended two “t’s” to be on Hot.) Wow. This song is perfect for him. It has soul. It has range. It has a soft melody. And he rocked every single, stinking second of it. I have completely forgotten his first performance. Brilliant. Bloody BRILLIANT.

Kris Allen- “What’s Going On”- I love acoustic sets and I love when there are a few musicians on stage with the singer. I look at Kris and I think, “Man. That guys is so relaxed.” That’s it- he just doesn’t look nervous at all to me. Having unbelievable stage fright myself, I don’t know how you get to that point. This was a good song- especially with the social commentary lyrics- but I don’t think it was his best. I thing he sang well but it wasn’t powerful enough. Not his fault though, it was just a low key song.

Round 2- producer’s pick- winner: Adam Lambert.

*** Looking at those 8 finalists huddled around Ryan makes me incredibly happy that none of them are still in it!

Adam Lambert- “No Boundaries”- this song and the music is not his style. I mean, he’s making it as rock and roll as he can, but it’s so cheesy. I can not articulate how tired I am of songs with the whole “the lesson is in the journey” lyric themes. Ugh. Anyway, Adam performed well. Considering what he had to work with. He is not meant to be a Disney role model. And he obviously knows that. I wish he could have ended after round 2.

Kris Allen- “No Boundaries”- dude, I totally called it on the piano/guitar/solo thing. This song fits Kris so much better than Adam. He seems way more of an “inspirational” artist. There are some pitchy parts though. I can’t help but wonder if two different singers trying out the same song and encountering the same vocal issues proves that the song sucks? Okay. It was okay. It wasn’t amazing but it was okay.

Round 3- original song- winner: the person who got paid for writing a stupid song.

It’s a tight race people. A very close call, indeed. The only other season that seemed this close was the 2 Davids and I hated the younger David. This time I’m torn. I’ll tell you, regardless of who wins, I’ll be buying both albums.


American Idol- Top 3

Top 3. All boys.

I feel like having no girls may make for a less cheesy original song for the winner. At least, I’m hoping for that.

Danny Gokey- “Dance Little Sister”- so he’s got the raspy thing going, which I think is his best vocal attribute, and he has some scruffiness happening, but I’m just not digging the song. It makes me feel like I’m trapped in an elevator with a soundtrack that keeps skipping. And I’m not going to lie, the dancing and the singoff with the saxophone didn’t improve my mood. I’ve loved him from the beginning but I felt bored.

Kris Allen- “Apologize”- I’m a sucker for a man who can play piano. or guitar. or drums. basically, a musician. His voice is perfect for this song. He sounds good, he looks good, in my opinion he rocked it. I think this is the first time where he looks like he really belongs on that stage. With a huge crowd of screaming fans. Everything just seemed to fit for him tonight.

Adam Lambert- “One”- more specifically, I’m a sucker for musicians who belong to a band that goes by the name of U2. Have I mentioned that I’ll be hanging with Bono in October?! I like that Adam has a more clean look this week. He looks younger. You’d think I’d be used to hearing him hit those high notes, but I’m not. I’m not over Adam. And I’ll never be over Bono. Ffor two minutes tonight, the two were joined together and I can’t stop smiling.

Danny Gokey- “You Are So Beautiful”- after the other song, I’m glad he’s doing a slow, calm song. I’m going to be honest, it started out pretty, but it felt like there was no power behind the clean notes. But then he hit the middle, which is always where he picks up his stride, and it got good. When he stood up off that stool at the end, it got great.

Kris Allen- “Heartless”- are you serious?! He’s pulling out Kanye? Wow. I was nervous, but I love it. I couldn’t even type while he was singing. I love everything about Kris tonight- the piano, the guitar, the style, the vocals, the different song choices. I finally put my finger on it- he seems confident. And he hasn’t seemed that way before. I don’t know why it kicked in but I’m glad it did. I love him. I don’t want him to go anywhere. Any chance we could all work together to cause 70 million votes to result in a tie?!

Adam Lambert- “Cryin'”- could there be two better singers for him to pay tribute to tonight? Seriously- Bono AND Steven Tyler?! He has the perfect amount of rocker vibe going without seeming like he belongs in a cover band. I (for obvious reasons) love “One” more, but he did nothing other than rock this song tonight. Tyler should adopt him.

Bottom- Danny. That’s all I can say.


American Idol- Top 4

Top 4! Woo hoo!

Oh dear. I feel like the giant tower collapsing is not a good omen.

Slash is the mentor?! Um, is anyone else thinking we’ve come a long way since season 1 and the All-American girl- Kelly Clarkson?

Adam Lambert- “Whole Lot Of Love”- I was worried that with only 1 girl left there’d be no outfits to critique… thank you Adam. I get the rock and roll vibe, but I think the style went a little too far. A few too many studs on the stud himself. I’m not going to lie. This was not my favorite Adam performance. Probably because I don’t love the song. He hit the notes. He sounded rock ‘n rolly. He looks and sounds perfect for the hair band music scene. I do think it is impressive that he can pull off a hard core rock song and actually sound like a rocker and not like a karaoke singer.

*** Let me ask this question- has everyone else known all season that Kara looks/talks like Julia Roberts? Am I the last person to make that connection? Because I can’t look at her without thinking of Julia.

Allison Iraheta- “Cry Baby”- I can’t believe she went to Adam’s hair stylist. I’m glad someone attempted to tone down the Strawberry Shortcake thing she had going on. It still makes me cringe though. Wonder if she went to Adam’s wardrobe girl too?! I hate the pants/boots. Um, I’m just not a huge fan of Allison’s. I liked her so much better when she sang softly and beautifully. This just seemed screechy and loud and overdone. Uh oh. She started talking back and arguing with the judges. That knocked her down another step in my opinion. The attitudes always come out when they know they weren’t great.

Kris and Danny- “Renegade”- duet time… interesting. These are two boys that aren’t expected to put out rock albums. I’m surprised that Kris seems more rock and roll than Danny. To me, this really felt like two college boys hitting the karaoke bar together. But maybe that’s just because of the cheesy background that was playing.

Kris Allen- “Come Together”- I think it’s a smart move for him to sing the Beatles. Kind of soft rock. Holy cow… can you imagine playing guitar with Slash? I wish he had borrowed a little of Adam’s style for this performance. This obviously isn’t his ideal musical genre, but I think he pulled it off. He sounded good, he looked cute, and he hit notes. I don’t think it would have worked as well if he hadn’t played guitar.

Danny Gokey- “Dream On”- uh oh, I love Aerosmith. I don’t want him to mess it up. I don’t want to hate it. He’s starting out a little rocky. That first long note that slid up through the octaves sounded horrible. This doesn’t sound good to me. I think Adam could have pulled this off. Danny sounds awful. That last note terrified me. It sounded like a primal scream. It sounded like those chains started choking him. If Steven Tyler was dead, he’d roll over, stand up and punch Danny. It just wasn’t him. He’s soft and smooth and jazzy and this song was none of that. I think I’m out on Danny this week. See how he started to argue and then said forget it. That’s why I still favor him over Allison in terms of personality.

Adam and Allison- “Foghat Slow Ride”- well, no matter what happens during this duet, at least their hairstyles are complimentary! 16 year old girls apparently don’t have a lot of rock and roll dance moves other than stomping a foot and shaking their shoulders. Oh, and an occasional head nod. The duet was way more rock and roll than Danny and Kris. But there were times it felt like they were just hitting random notes and hoping to meet in the middle. It was a solid rock performance. Not awesome. Solid.

Bottom two? I don’t know. Allison and Danny? Danny and Kris? Allison and Kris?


American Idol- Top 5

As I’m spending the evening in the middle of nowhere (Uvalde, TX), I’ve come to truly appreciate the benefits of the internet. This is a place where American Idol is not doing a great deal of business.

I was stunned to realize we were not planning our drive around making it to the house in time to watch it live. I was traumatized to realize it wasn’t even being recorded for when we arrived. And by the time I heard that not many people here have ever seen the show, nor care to, I was in a coma.

So, being as I won’t be home to watch it in all the feature length glory for another 48 hours, this will be a very brief commentary on the performances that I so gratefully watched them online.

Kris Allen- “The Way You Look Tonight”- he looks good. I like that he’s dressed appropriately for the theme. He sounds amazing. Seriously, amazing. It’s like tonight he decided to stop being the artsy-college kid and be a grown up. And I have a feeling his wife (along with countless others) was seriously swooning. He hit the last note beautifully and I’m officially crushing on him.

Allison Iraheta- “Someone To Watch Over Me”- she looks nice to night. It was hard for me to type that after weeks of belittling her hair and outfits. This is the first night I though she sounded wonderful. She didn’t scream, she didn’t rock it out, she just sang. And it was beautiful. For the first time, I think she may give the boys a run for their money.

Matt Giraud- “My Funny Valentine”- I think Matt started it out wonderfully. The mid to end was a little too fast for my taste. I think he did a great job with what he did. But I just don’t know if he can compete with the other boys.

Danny Gokey- “Come Rain Or Come Shine”- I think this may be the best fit vocally for Danny. He looked good, he sounded great, and he seemed to be having fun. I like that he roughed it up at the end and it didn’t stay boringly smooth. Impressive.

Adam Lambert- “Feeling Good”-  that entrance was perfect for an entertainer like Adam. Man he was amazing. He didn’t overdo it. Here’s the thing about Adam wrapping up the show- I feel like everyone else was a contestant and he was the guest performer. He already seems like a star.

I have no idea what the judges had to say, but I loved tonight. I love the Rat Pack. I loved the song choices tonight. The boys all dressed sharp and Allison looked beautiful.

This top 5 blows away all other seasons. They rocked it. I’m impressed and a little nervous.

Bottom 2- hate to say any of them but I’m going to go with Matt and Allison.


American Idol- Top 7 Results (Again!)

Two people are going home tonight! That means we’ll be down to the top 5 next week! Hip hip hooray!

I definitely like Paula better as a dancer/choreographer than as a judge.

Wow-this group dance/song seems like the most obvious example of lipsynching ever. Milli Vanilli included.

Whoa. Ryan just walked Lil to the side of the stage and then told her she was going home without any procrastination. What happened to the bottom 3? That was rough.

But. It does mean my prediction from last night is at least 1/2 correct.

Freda Payne is performing. Huh. Anyone else out there think that some of these “stars” wouldn’t make it past Hollywood week on Idol?

These old ladies don’t mind flaunting their boobs bodies, do they?

Is it just me or could Harry Wayne Casey be a double for James Gandolfini? Maybe that’s what he’s been doing since disco died.

Anoop’s in the bottom two. Yep. Not surprised.

And he’s joined by the unnaturally redheaded Allison. Perfect.

The licker of lips (aka David Archuleta) has returned to the Idol stage. I’m so glad Cook won.

Adios Anoop.

Make that 2/2 correct predictions. Brilliant job, voting audience, simply brilliant.


American Idol- Top 7 Take Two

It’s disco night. Yuck. Expect me to spend more words on the outfits than the songs.

Oh- it appears that they’ve cut out the intro video clips so that the judges all get a chance to babble.

Lil Rounds- “I’m Every Woman”- what is she wearing?! Is that a one piece outfit? How do you get into that? It’s sad to me that Lil isn’t doing so hot. She’s not original, she’s not consistent, and she’s not improving. She needs to go home tomorrow. I have to add that Matt’s comment was simply: “Her butt’s too big to be wearing whatever she’s wearing.”

Kris Allen- “She Works Hard For The Money”- excited to see how he incorporates the guitar into disco night. It’s nice. It doesn’t sound like disco and for that, I’m a fan. I think Kris is the contestant who knows and shows best what type of artist he’d be. He takes all the different genres and sings them in a similar style. I can imagine him releasing an album that sounds exactly like he does on stage.

Danny Gokee- “September”- scruffy Gokee appearing on stage tonight. I’m nervous that this could be the most disco-y of the night. He has some funny moves that come out on the fast songs. He obviously learned to dance from church. It’s a good vocal, an okay performance, and a cruddy song. He always makes me smile though.

Allison Iraheta- “Hot Stuff”- wow. Who exactly is styling her and Lil? Is she wearing a black rubber dress over black rubber tights? Her hair looks much better tonight though. I hate the thing she does with her voice on the low notes. It’s almost like growling. She already has a rough voice, why does she try to make it sound harsher? Her movements are making me cringe. She seems to be doing a bit of a Steven Tyler impersonation. Let me just say that even if Abby has the most awesome voice in the world at age 16 (not likely based on the “Twinkle Twinkle” I heard today) I would never, NEVER, allow her to dress like Allison or to sing those lyrics. I’m surprised that Allison keeps trying to seem older than she is… she could have had a really good shot at being a new teen idol.

Adam Lambert- “If I Can’t Have You”- he looks like he could be cast in a new Men In Black movie. That’s a pretty impressive suit. I’m excited he didn’t go crazy with some type of “Staying Alive” tribute performance. He sounds exactly like he has for weeks- great, clear, controlled, and brilliant. Oh my goodness, the cameraman just showed a closeup of Paula’s trembling, pink-frosted, glossy lips. She’s such a sap. I want Simon to turn and punch her straight in the mouth when she starts acting crazy.

Matt Girbaud- “Staying Alive”- oh no. I expected it from Adam but not from Matt. No good. He’s pulling out the Timberlake dress and dance moves. It isn’t bad, he is hitting the notes, but he should definitely not put out a disco album. It was an entertaining performance. I think he was worth the save.

*** What is with Paula’s similes tonight? Shopping in the women’s department? Bowling strikes? Where does she come up with this stuff?

Anoop Desai- “Dim All The Lights”- the scruff is a nice change of pace. I like his outfit, I like the tone of his voice, and I think he sounds great. Something about tonight makes him seem like he’s more comfortable, like he’s actually having fun. I’m afraid I don’t like the song at all though. Oh, he missed that last note. Yikes.

Okay- I say Lil, Anoop, Matt will be the bottom 3. Same as last week. My guess is that Lil and Anoop are heading home.


American Idol- Top 7 Results

Ahh, those bottom 3 look familiar. Why? Oh yeah, because I picked them last night!

Glad to see Jennifer Hudson doing well. Never thought she was worthy of an Oscar, but the girl can sing!

Oh, Miley Cyrus. You have no idea how much you annoy me. Why? Because although your face looks beautiful tonight (probably the best I’ve ever seen you look) you still choose to sing a song without pronunciation and then proceed to headbang to the same country beat. If I were your hair stylist, I’d have to hurt you.

Lil and Matt. I think Matt is more deserving. He’s had a few rough spots, but there have been good weeks too. I don’t remember the last time I was cheering for Lil.

They only have one more week to use the save so I feel like they’ll use it no matter who is being sent home.

I can’t believe Matt had fewer votes than Lil.

BUT- he’s not going anywhere! Yahoo for the judges using the save!

Next week’s disco music. Should be interesting. You know, in a watching a car crash sort of way.


American Idol- Top 7

It’s movie week and I’m excited! Why? Because I LOVE movies!

Quentin Tarantino is making an appearance. He’s a quirky guy who doesn’t seem to take crap from people. I hope he’s honest and blunt with the contestants.

Oh, they’re letting only two judges talk after each performance. Ha! If only we could pick which two… they could let three judges talk as long as one of them wasn’t named Paula.

Allison Iraheta- “Don’t Want To Miss A Thing/Armageddon”- oh, I can’t think of this movie without tearing up. The first few notes sound good. I don’t even know what she’s wearing and her hair is more neon and a little more mulletish than normal. Ugh. Whenever she tries to hit the big notes, she stinks. And she was just incredibly flat on a very big, very loud, note. What was that? I hated that performance.

Anoop Desai- “Everything I Do, I Do For You/Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves”- the song is starting out pretty. His jacket, not so much. What is with the jackets he keeps wearing? And sorry to say but the sweaty upper lip has made a return to the stage. He really is hitting the notes well. It sounds nice and unforced and clean and consistent. I’m glad he didn’t take too much of Tarantino’s advice. I think I hear some “Whoop Anoop” happening in the audience.

*** Way to put Anoop on the spot and make him uncomfortable, Ryan.

Adam Lambert- “Born To Be Wild/Easy Rider”- I’m expecting an over the top performance with this song. Well, the guyliner and hair gel are back in full force. As are the upper octaves. He’s dancing, he’s jumping, he’s singing his little heart out. I’m impressed. Here’s the thing- I understand that some people hate him and I know that some of the notes he’s hitting are heard only by canines. But there’s no denying that he’s a great performer. Watching him is like watching a professional musician. He’s comfortable, he’s entertaining, and he’s worth the money.

Matt Giraud- “Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman/Don Juan DeMarco”- ahhh, Johnny Depp. I love this movie. Matt’s bringing back the piano and I think that’s a smart choice. I think it sounds nice. It’s a pretty smooth song by nature. There are a few times he adds a little country twang to the song that I could live without. And there are a few notes that I don’t know if they were hit intentionally or mistakes… that doesn’t seem like a good sign!

*** Anyone else notice Simon making faces like he’s coughing up a hairball?

Danny Gokee- “Endless Love/Endless Love”- huh, no glasses? It’s starting off a little shy and weak, but that seems to be what he does every week. He picked up the strength in the middle of the song and he sounded beautiful. I don’t have much to say about it. It was pretty and I don’t think he’s in danger of going home but it didn’t rock my world.

Kris Allen- “Falling Slowly/Once”- oh, I LOVE this song. I love the entire soundtrack actually. I’m glad he went without the guitar. I think this week needs to be about his vocals. He looks good and he sounds great. It was a simple, gentle song and a classic performance and I love that he hit the last note.

Lil Rounds- “The Rose/The Rose”- I remember the first time I ever heard this song… it was at a Six Flags stage performance and I went home and scrounged my money to buy the cassette tape. Oh Lil. I wanted so much more from you. It seems like the competition has beaten her down. She used to have a great energy and it’s just not there anymore. I’m so bored by her now. The song was pretty but she just doesn’t stand out. I hate that Allison is more memorable than Lil.

Bottom 3- Anoop, Lil, Matt.

I’m scared that next week there will only be one girl left in the competition.

*** They still didn’t make it through all the phone numbers in time. I wonder if only one judge will get to talk next week?!


American Idol- Top 8 Results

Is Paula wearing latex gloves? And why does Frankie Avalon have a mini mullett going on?

Flo Rida and Kelly Pickler? Seriously? The most random combination of performers EVER.

Bottom 3: Anoop, Scott, and Lil.

***Can I just point out those 3 were my picks last night?! See, America and I are tight like that.

Did Pickler have more plastic surgery? Her face doesn’t look like I remember. Her voice is unfortunately the same as the last time I heard her.

And the lowest number of votes goes to Scott.

Finally, America used their ears instead of their hearts to vote on the singing competition.

Oh no… those girl judges are gonna want to save him. Thank goodness the save has to be a unanimous decision. I’m so glad this second chance thing isn’t an option once we’re in the top 5.

Scott’s going home. I wonder who will get the sympathy vote next week?


American Idol- Top 8

Is Ryan wearing more makeup than usual tonight?

Tonight they’ll be singing songs from the year they were born. I hate this week on American Idol because I feel like it’s the most karaoke-ish of all the themes. Most of the people on this show were born in the mid 80s. And let’s be honest- there were a few crappy music years back then. I’m a little nervous about the song choices.

Danny Gokee- “Stand By Me”- this is one of my all time favorite songs. I’m glad Danny chose it. I hate to say it, but I’m not impressed. This is a classic song. A song that should stir up a sentimental emotion when you hear it. And I’m not feeling it. Sure, he hit a few good notes, but I hate, and I don’t mean dislike, I mean I HATE this arrangement. I now wish Kris had gotten to sing this… just him and a guitar. Danny’s still in it, but I’m disappointed.

Kris Allen- “All She Wants To Do Is Dance”- I just don’t know how he’s going to pull off an upbeat dance song. And an 80s one on top of it all. He’s hitting the notes well, but I’m not a fan of the song. Or the performance. I hate how the producers are randomly sticking contestants off to the side with a herd of young groupies. I think he’s better than this. Much better.

Lil Rounds- “What’s Love Got To Do With It”- it could be good. At least she looks younger this week. I feel like she’s dressed up like Tina Turner or Whitney Houston. It seems like a performance at a Halloween costume party. She missed a really big note. Nothing about tonight stood out. At least nothing stood out in a good way. She looked and sounded like she could be a backup singer with the band.

*** On a side note, my husband and I are wondering when they’re going to install a hidden door beneath Paula’s chair? And maybe add a timer so that after 2 minutes of incomprehensible gibberish she’ll just drop out of sight.

Anoop Desai- “True Colors”- say what?! Anoop’s tackling Cyndi Lauper? He’s better dressed tonight. Looks like he’s sporting a nice little Easter sweater vest. I think he’s hitting some pretty good notes. It was a very laid back performance and I think it was what he needed to stay another week. I don’t think it was fantastic but I wasn’t hitting the mute button.

Scott MacIntyre- “The Search Is Over”- what is he doing with a guitar?! This sounds like a Disney theme song. Is it a Disney theme song? Oh no. There are so many wrong notes. So many awkward moments. I don’t want to be mean. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t mind listening to Anoop again. Did Scott just say this was his “punk side”?! Wow.

Allison Iraheta- “I Can’t Make You Love Me “- she was born in 1992?! Let me make something clear. When contestants are choosing “birth” songs from 2000 and up, I’m no longer watching. My viewing pleasure has an expiration date. That being said, I love this song. I think Allison looks good. Her hair seems a little more fluorescent, but as long as they don’t turn on a black-light, she should be okay. She’s hitting great notes. For the first time, she doesn’t sound like an 80 year old and she isn’t screaming. Definitely my favorite performance by Allison.

Matt Giraud- “One Time Lovers”- how cute was that “Angels Aware” clip?! Stevie seems like a great choice for JT/Matt. I like that he’s singing without playing an instrument tonight. He looks good and he sounds good. He didn’t ruin it with crazy vibrato, and he even pulled off a few dance moves without looking like the white boy that he is. Nicely done.


If you are within 30 miles of Denton, you may have just heard a noise that made you move away from the windows. Don’t worry, it was only me. Sorry.

STUPID PAULA ABDUL and her STUPID RIDICULOUS COMMENTS that make the show run long.

Matt calmed me down long enough to find a link to the video. Thank you technology wizards of the world who love Adam and care about my mental health!

If you missed Adam’s performance, click right here.

Adam Lambert- “Mad World”- all I can say is that the lighting was beautiful, the song selection was ideal, the notes he hit were spot on, his performance was amazing, and he managed the perfect combination of restraint and power. Simon was the only judge with time to comment and his only comment was a standing ovation. And for those of you who are Adam-haters, you should know that tonight there was no screeching, no screaming, and the lights were too low to tell whether or not he was wearing eyeliner.

Adam has been so consistently great that I wonder if he’ll have a fall from grace or simply float through to the finale?

Bottom 3- Scott, Lil, Anoop.

Winner (even if you didn’t get to hear him)- Adam.

As always, you can go to BooMama’s site for more Idol reviews.