Posts tagged ‘sunset’


Lost and Found

Anyone else plan and work a photo shoot and then completely forget about the photos only to rediscover them months later? No? Yeah, that would be weird. That would probably be a sign that either a.) the shoot wasn’t worth it, b.) the photographer’s life is a little too hectic, or c.) all of the above.

Oh well.

Here are some of my favorites from a day in late July.

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Busy, busy

Things have been crazy for the past two days. And they’re going to keep being crazy for the next two.

Thursday I was hanging out around this train (yeah, that’s something I do) and I thought about how many stories I love have had a train as a character. From my little days- The Boxcar Children Series, from my adulthood- Water For Elephants.


I kind of wish I could have a traincar in my backyard when I grow up. It would make the coolest hangout ever.

And then last night the sky went crazy. This is what it looks like when a giant storm meets a beautiful sunset. (Sorry the quality stinks- but I took the pic with my phone!)


It all worked out okay. The sunset won.



Sunset Storm

I love summer storms… such a nice change of pace.

After the Storm

What began with thunder and lightning ended with beautiful colors.